We sincerely would like to express our deepest gratitude to all the fans of 808 and Mid-O Series.
Indeed, for many, the TR-808 / 909 and so on are the goals they wanted to achieve. As we thank from the bottom of our heart to all the people, we would like to inform that for us Analog Mafia the 808 is but only the starting point to leap high into the galaxies of new sounds, and reach out to the beckoning worlds beyond.
Sound Demo Videos – No Samples are Used!
Brand new demos by DJ Hisashi Saito!!!
Same sequence but with three different drum kits.
Notice how you can make new expressions starting from revisiting vintages, thanks to the extensive synthesis and piano-roll type sequencer on a drum synth.
Made by Kyos330.
Here again, notice how you can make various expressions with the 808 with its 8 partial multiplex synthesis coupled with piano-roll type sequencer.
A short demo video made by Ken Fujimoto, showing some basic, and also some bit more variation sounds from the RC-808 ReCreate the 808 software.
Notice how you can realize new expressions, by utilizing the gate time, and pitched drum sounds, from combination of flexible multiplex synthesis coupled with piano roll type sequencer – something you don’t often see on a drum software.
In fact, the final example is emulation of not just hand claps, but also finger snaps, and even tap dance.
Sound demos of the RC-808 Re-Create the 808 software by Tadao Kikumoto himself in Dommune Setouchi 2019.
This 4 min plus video shows how it emulates the vintage as well as how it is capable of creating new sounds. Yes, it is not a Drum Machine, but is a Drum Synthesizer.
Video excerpt provided by courtesy of Naohiro Ukawa of Dommune.
A new sonic challenge of the RC-808.
It may sound familiar to you but it has nothing to do with anything you previously heard. No samples are used, only genuine synthesis from scratch as always.
Introductory Articles
Yes, we are so happy to see Roland interviewing Tadao Kikumoto and talking about the RC-808 Conceptual Model too.
New Analog Mafia RC-808 from Roland’s “Mid-O Series” Developers and the “Failed” Roland TR-808
A very nicely done summary of this website here.
Analogue Heaven
New RC-808 Emulator From the Original Inventor
Mike SynMike and all the fellows around him sure have made deep insights about the 808 and Mid-O Series.
40 年集大成:TR-808 开发者、前 Roland 社长菊本忠男的 RC-808 软件免费大放送
Our friends in China talk about how our culmination spanning 40 years sounds like.
Ken Fujimoto’s “DTM Station”
藤本健の “DTMステーション”
The news spread to the globe from this webmedia article in Japan, including exclusive interviews, on the 808 Day 2019. A bi-g thanks to Ken Fujimoto @kenfujimoto !!!
藤本健の “DTMステーション”
A sequel to above article including some Japanese translation of the 808, 909, 303 development stories that are excerpted from this website. The article was published on 909 Day 2019. Another bi-g thanks to Ken Fujimoto @kenfujimoto !!!
Hisashi Saito’s blog
シンセ番長・齋藤久師が送る愛と狂気の大人気コラム・第五十三沼 『808!沼』
Another very first news broke out from this cool blog by the techno artist of today DJ Hisashi Saito @hisashi_saito on the 808 Day 2019.
Later on Aug 22, he, together with the cutting edge dance music artist galcid Lena @galcid_official, and Tadao Kikumoto appeared on web streaming channel Dommune, They made deep interviews about the 808 episodes, made demonstrations of the RC-808, and showed us the SSM – Silent Street Music concept that enabled us all to see the glimpse of the future of the music.
Dommune Setouchi 2019
On Aug 22, 2019, Tadao Kikumoto got interviewed by DJ Hisashi Saito and galcid Lena about his and his team’s development stories plus original intention on TR-808.
Then they reviewed the RC-808 Re-Created 808 synthesizer to push the boundaries further into beyond.
The video provided by courtesy of Naohiro Ukawa of Dommune.